Chains of Desire Page 5
As soon as both cheeks were glowing and warm to the touch, he stopped spanking. He stepped back and enjoyed the sight. Her moan of disappointment made him grin. When he noticed her squirming beneath his gaze, he quickly kicked her bare feet apart.
“No. You are not allowed to pleasure yourself in any way. That is your Master’s responsibility. If he wants to allow it. If you deserve to receive pleasure.” He circled around to face her again. “Remember, your only responsibility is to please your Master.”
He could tell she was aching to speak, but kept her tongue. A deep breath, which made her breasts pop out even further, was all that betrayed her frustration. He was glad he didn’t have to gag her. He had plans for that mouth.
He released his cock from his pants and began to stroke the throbbing flesh. Her gaze zeroed in on his fist as he slid his hand up and down the rigid shaft. Her eyes widened. He wondered if she’d even seen a cock before. A sharp twinge of guilt for taking her innocence twisted in his chest. He reminded himself that he was a trainer, not really her Master. He’d merely be the first of many. She’d be servicing cocks for the rest of her life.
The painful twist didn’t go away, but the rising pressure from his hand on his cock finally overrode it. He let the princess watch a little longer, to get the idea of what she’d be required to do. Spikes of need shot through him and he abruptly released his cock. Enough of this.
Jarrod roughly pressed down on her shoulders with both hands. “On your knees, slave.”
The princess dropped to her knees. Her shoulders were hunched forward, her arms still tightly pulled together from elbow to wrist, pointing straight down. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on those overflowing breasts, but he was going to put her mouth to work first.
“Open, slave,” he growled and tapped her cheek with his rigid cock. She parted her lips wide and he slid into her hot mouth. Incredible. He plunged in as far as he could go, until he touched the back of her throat and she gagged. He let up a little, but kept himself firmly set in her mouth.
“Look at me.” She raised her eyes to him and the sight she made, on her knees with her mouth full of his cock, nearly made him come right then and there. “Have you ever done this before, slave?”
She shook her head slightly and Jarrod felt the pull on his cock. “Your Master will want you to take him as deep as you can. You’ll get used to it. For now do your best.”
She nodded and began to move over his cock, sliding her wet lips over his skin. Gods, it was amazing, the sensations that swept across his body. He threaded his fingers through her silky hair and held onto her head, guiding her rhythm, plunging a little deeper with each thrust.
The pressure started building too fast. Jarrod pulled all the way out before he was too close to stop. He wasn’t ready to come yet. He planned to enjoy this slave in many other ways before he was done.
Hanna looked up from where she knelt before Jarrod. He was breathing heavily, but then so was she. His dark skin glistened with sweat and his handsome cock was even darker. This was the closest she’d ever been to a naked cock before. She was fascinated by it, by the bulging veins and rounded head and the slit in the tip oozing a creamy fluid.
She wasn’t sure why he wanted her to stop what she was doing. She thought she’d been pleasuring him well, but she’d learned quickly not to question what her Master wanted.
When Jarrod had entered the room tonight, she’d been nervous and excited, certain she’d be able to seduce him and convince him to help her escape. But it didn’t take long for the situation to be reversed. Here she was, bound and on her knees. Her arms and shoulders were beginning to hurt. The position they were pulled into was straining her muscles and her breasts were beginning to ache from being squeezed between her arms. But her entire body felt alive, her blood rushing through her veins, her skin dancing with desire.
She realized she wasn’t playing at being a submissive. She was one.
Jarrod leaned over and grasped her nipples with his fingers. He rolled them, as she had before, but with much more pressure. Sharp tingles shot straight between her legs and made her want to squirm again. Then he tightened his grip on her nipples and pulled up on them. “On your feet, slave.”
She struggled to her feet as he continued to pinch and pull her nipples. She bit her bottom lip to stop from crying out in pain. It would help if she had the use of her arms to balance herself as she rose and she almost blurted out that fact. But she held her tongue and worked to rise as smoothly as possible. She was determined to appear graceful for her Master, to show him she was proud to be his slave.
Her behind still stung from the slaps she’d endured. Enjoyed. She’d never imagined that pain could turn to pleasure so quickly. Or that it would become pleasure at all. It appeared she had much to learn.
Once she stood still before him, Jarrod released her nipples. He nodded. “Good.” He stroked her head and then brushed her hair back behind her shoulders. “You have beautiful breasts. Your Master will surely want to enjoy them often.” He took one in each hand and squeezed, digging his fingers into her swollen globes.
Hanna gasped but didn’t cry out and didn’t pull away. In fact, she found herself arching her back as much as she was able, pressing her breasts farther into his large hands. As he continued to roughly knead her flesh, the ache spread through her body, heating her, making moisture flow from her woman’s spot. There was a delightful, maddening throb there and she wanted to rub her thighs together but remembered that he had told her not to.
A groan escaped her lips, a combination of pain and pleasure and overwhelming need. Her body began to tremble and she couldn’t seem to stop.
Jarrod must had sensed her distress, for he stopped his assault on her breasts and pulled her into his arms. She cried out this time when her shoulders and arms and breasts screamed in protest as he crushed her against him.
“I’m sorry, Princess,” he said. He unwound the belt from her arms and dropped it to the floor. “Are you all right?”
Hanna nodded although her body hurt. She stretched her shoulders and looked down to see the red marks made from the belt digging into her arms. Jarrod pulled her back against him and gently rubbed her shoulders for a moment. His rigid shaft rubbed against her burning buttocks and she couldn’t stop herself from pressing against it.
“Do you need the Marvel Cream now or can you wait until I am finished with you?” he asked. He spoke the words softly into her ear as he continued to massage her shoulders. The question was asked in a very even tone, but Hanna felt that the answer would be a very important one. She didn’t even have to think about it.
“Please, Master, enjoy this body now as you wish.” She trembled as she said the words. The need to please him, the need to feel his hands on her, was so much stronger than a bit of discomfort.
He turned her around to face him. “You are a good slave. Your Master will be proud of you.”
In her heart, he was her Master. She reached for his hand and placed it on her left breast. “How can I please you?”
His eyes darkened and his grip tightened on her breast. He led her over to the bunk and sat down, settling her in between his thighs. His cock pressed against her leg. Her breasts were now even with his mouth.
“Put your hands behind your back,” he ordered. Her shoulder muscles cried out in protest, but she pulled her arms behind her. He ran his rough hands down her arms and reached behind her to have her grasp one wrist to keep her arms where he wanted them to be.
“Your Master will undoubtedly have many ways to control your body.” His arms were still around her, holding her wrists. His close gaze bore into hers. He pushed her feet apart with his boot. “Ropes and chains and clamps and cuffs are regularly used on sex slaves. Bondage is to be expected.”
Hanna nodded. A thrilling chill ran through her body. She didn’t understand it but she was beginning to accept it. Embrace it.
“Keep your hands behind you.” He released his hold on her wrists, but s
he kept them pressed against her bottom and her shoulders as straight as she could make them. He just stared at her breasts for what seemed like forever and her knees began to tremble with anticipation.
When he finally touched her, he began with a soft brush of his fingers against the outside of her breasts. Light shivers ran along her skin. And when he leaned forward and swept his tongue across one of her sensitive nipples, she gasped.
“You taste as sweet as a sunberry,” he murmured and then sucked the nipple deep into his mouth.
Waves of incredible sensations rolled through her body and concentrated at her core. Overwhelmed, she swayed on her feet. Before she even realized it, she’d reached out her hands and grabbed his shoulders to steady herself.
Jarrod yanked her hands off his body and bit brutally into her nipple. Hanna cried out, but he continued to grip her wrists and grind her aching nipple between his teeth.
Tears ran down her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Master. I’m sorry!” How quickly she had displeased her Master. How quickly he made that displeasure known.
He released her nipple then and lightly laved it with his tongue. His disappointment in her was evident on his face. When he dropped her hands, she hurriedly put them back behind her.
“Too late now, slave.” He pushed her away from him and stood up. “When you disobey you should expect to be punished.”
“I’m sorry, Master.” She didn’t know what else to say and she was sure excuses wouldn’t be accepted anyway.
He bent over and picked his belt up off the floor. She shivered. He folded it in half and slapped it on the palm of his hand.
“I’ll give you another chance,” he said. “If you’ll accept your punishment without complaint, if you keep your hands where you are told, I will still pleasure you tonight. If you still can’t obey, I will chain you up to the wall again. I will take my own pleasure from you and leave you aching with need.”
“I won’t disappoint you, Master.” She was grateful for another chance. “I accept my punishment. I deserve it.” She turned to offer her bottom to him.
“I didn’t tell you to turn around, slave,” he growled.
Hanna frowned and turned back to face him. “I’m sorry, Master. I thought…”
“I don’t want you to think. I want you to do what you’re told. And nothing else.” He strode over to the sink in the corner and picked up a cloth from the shelf above it. “I’ve had enough of your mouth tonight. Open up.”
When she opened her mouth to speak that one word, he stuffed the cloth into her mouth. She was so shocked, she opened wider with her gasp and he pushed down on her tongue and filled her mouth with the cloth. “A Master only wants to hear his slave when he commands it. I thought I’d already gone over that.”
Tears sprung to her eyes again, but this time not from pain. She was angry and embarrassed and, damn it, incredibly aroused. And a bit worried about the punishment he had in mind.
Jarrod stepped back and slapped the belt on his palm again. “Since it was your breasts that got you in trouble, they will take the beating tonight.”
Hanna had to fight the almost overwhelming instinct to cover her breasts with her arms. She pressed her hands tightly into her back and winced, closing her eyes against the strikes that hadn’t happened yet.
“Open your eyes!” he ordered. Her eyes flew open. “I want you to watch this, slave. I want you to anticipate every strike. I want you to think about what it means to disobey your Master. I want you to remember what a slave is supposed to do.”
Please her Master.
The first strike was light, more like a caress across the flesh of her breast, than a beating. “I know what happened, slave,” he said, striking the other breast with the same light pressure. “You were thinking of your own pleasure when I had your nipple in my mouth.” The next couple strikes were harder but still didn’t really hurt. “Your pleasure was more important than your Master’s commands.” The next strike stung. A lot. “You can’t let that happen. You must always put your Master’s pleasure first.”
The next strike hurt so much she could barely catch her breath. Her arms were aching from holding them so tightly behind her back. She didn’t dare close her eyes and watched him wield the belt again and again. Soon she was crying out in pain, but the screams were silenced by the cloth in her mouth.
“Only by pleasing your Master can you receive pleasure.” He repeated that line over and over with each hit of the belt, beating it into her brain.
Hanna didn’t know exactly when the punishment changed, but as her breasts heated with the strikes of the belt, she began to yearn for each new smack. As it had with the spanking, pleasure began to flood her system. Her cries turned to moans. She began to lean into each strike, but she was careful to keep her hands behind her back.
She was panting heavily, sweat streaming down her back. Gradually, the strikes lessened, until Jarrod dropped the belt to the floor. He took the cloth out of her mouth and gathered her into his arms. She snuggled gratefully into the hardness of his chest.
“Good slave.” He swept her up into his arms and carried her over to the bunk, laying her down gently onto the mattress. “I realize you’ve been through a lot tonight, but I want you to be prepared for what you will have in store once you reach Noria.”
Hanna nodded. She wished she could cry out that she didn’t want a training session. All she wanted was to experience sex with Jarrod tonight. But he was the Master and she would do whatever he wanted.
He stood beside the bed looking down on her, so strong and handsome. What lesson was he going to give her now? Didn’t he want to be pleasured? She made a show of stretching, spreading her legs and lifting her arms above her head.
“On Noria, all beds come with four sturdy posts, complete with rings and hooks to secure the ropes and chains,” Jarrod said. “If we were there, I could tie you spread-eagle and you wouldn’t have to worry about your body betraying your pleasure.”
The words popped out of her mouth before she could stop them. “But if we were there, I would be taken to the slave station and you would be off to capture some other slaves.”
He was so still, so quiet, Hanna was afraid she was going to be punished again for speaking. But after a moment, he stroked her face and said, “No, I will be leaving the ship after this mission.”
She wanted to know why, but at that moment Jarrod grabbed her hips and slid her around so she was lying sideways on the bunk, with her legs hanging off the side. He picked up the belt again and handed it to her.
“Hold onto this with both hands.” She grasped the belt tightly. He pulled her arms over her head and pushed them down onto the mattress. Her knuckles brushed the wall on the other side of the bed. His hard body pressed onto hers for a brief moment before he straightened. “Leave them there.” The sternness in his voice let her know he expected to be obeyed.
Jarrod stepped in between her legs and dropped to his knees. He grasped her hips and pulled her closer, then lifted her legs onto his shoulders. Her heart pounded. His breath was warm on her inner thighs. His fingers dug into her hips, holding her in place.
When he swept his tongue along the sensitive flesh between her legs, she cried out with delight. With amazement. She never knew anything could feel so wonderful. Soon she was overwhelmed with sensations. She was panting, moaning. He licked and sucked at her mercilessly, using his lips and tongue and then even his teeth nipping at her skin. She was barely able to catch her breath. She couldn’t even squirm because his hands held her hips in place.
“Good slave,” he murmured. “You may come now.”
Tension built quickly within her, seeming to swirl from everywhere at once, concentrating on her throbbing sex. When it became too much, she exploded into a starburst of sensations. A cry tore from deep within her and echoed off the walls. Her body jerked on the mattress. Her hands, still gripping his belt, bounced wildly. And his tongue continued to dive deep within her, his lips stil
l sucked the juices flowing from her, his teeth nipped again and again at her most tender spot.
And suddenly she shattered again, her body bucking beneath him. She gasped for breath, her heart pounding so hard she thought it would break her ribs. She pitched her head from side to side and moaned. And still he worked his mouth on her.
When she came a third time, her body was nothing but an uncontrollable mass of thrashing flesh and battered nerve endings. She began to sob. She was wrung out, her energy gone.
Jarrod rose then and her legs fell limply on either side of him. She looked up at him through tear-filled eyes. His face was wet with her juices. He grabbed her hips again and plunged into her with one mighty thrust. He filled her, hot and hard. It took a moment to become accustomed to the way he stretched her flesh and the sensation of him settled so deeply within her. She marveled at the way her body accommodated him. The way her body welcomed him.
He moved slowly at first, dragging his cock in and out of her slick passage. He looked magnificent, like a proud wild animal. She was still so limp she couldn’t do anything more than lie there while he took his pleasure from her. He began to move faster, pounding harder into her. Her body rocked on the mattress, her knuckles slammed into the wall, her heels banged against the bunk’s platform. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. His eyes were closed, his head thrown back. And when he came, he roared like the glorious beast he was.
Hanna’s heart filled with something so intense, it took her breath away. She didn’t recognize the emotion, couldn’t put a name to it, didn’t even try. But she knew that this sex they were having, the trust she’d given him, was something special. Something she doubted she’d find with any other Master. And from the intense way he was now staring at her, she was certain he felt the same.